Efficiency of firewood production on different sizes of logs
One factor significantly affecting the efficiency of firewood production is the size of the used log. This blog provides some perspectives on how the diameter of the log affects the volume of production and production costs as well as the quality of firewood itself.
When considering the impact of log size on the production of firewood the starting point is that with compared to a smaller log a larger diameter log will usually boost production, make higher-quality firewood and help you save in the production costs.

Raw material with larger diameter usually brings a wide range of benefits to production. From a larger log it is possible to get a better output in the same time. There are several explanatory factors for this.
First, the cost of transporting does not vary depending on the log size. Transport costs from the forest to the customer’s home or to the other location are the same regardless the log size. This means you can run more raw material with the same money, which brings a clear saving on the cost of production.
Secondly, the bigger raw material produces more and higher-quality final product i.e. firewood in the same time.
For example, a faster machine used for small logs can make with 10 cutouts per minute from a log with a diameter of 25 cm the same amount of firewood as a slower machine can make with 7 cutouts per minute from a log with diameter of 30 cm.
If the size of the log is increased from 30 centimeters to 40 centimeters, production almost doubles.
In addition, with a larger log you need to load a smaller number of logs in the log table. This means you don’t have to spend so much time filling the log table and moving new logs in the machine. This clearly saves labor costs.
Higher quality firewood from larger logs
The larger raw material therefore has clear effects on production volume and costs. In addition, the larger log will clearly make higher-quality firewood. The larger log often has more tight wood grain and less bark.
From our blog How to build a successful firewood business? you will find tips for reducing your productions costs by optimizing your processes.
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